Experience the Eastern Shore.

Dedicated to the revitalization of the LaVallette homestead in Crisfield, MD.

We currently run rental operations on a large historic 82 acre property in Crisfield, MD with plans for growth.


Create a tiny house community on the surrounding acreage.

Being within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, we want to avoid any conventional development. Tiny houses offer a great alternative and have the least environmental impact when developed correctly. This would give future guests a space to interact and enjoy nature without disrupting the surrounding wildlife and wetlands.

Bring the LaVallette homestead back to its “farming” roots.

The property has 20 acres of underutilized upland created by the Corps of Engineers via dredging the Little Annemessex River from 1998-2002. The site has been delineated and is ready for solar farm development.

SHAED - Once Upon A Time

This music video was shot at the LaVallette homestead in December of 2020.

Reach out to dom.liberatore@terrapinking.org for potential partnership.
